FMA Bump Controller
FMA Bump Controller
FMA Bump Controller
FMA Bump Controller
FMA Bump Controller
FMA Bump Controller
FMA Bump Controller
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FMA Bump Controller

  • Charger controller automatically configures best settings for individual batteries

Innovation war schon immer ein Markenzeichen der FMA-Ladegeräte, und der neue Bump Controller enttäuscht nicht! Mithilfe der Near Field Communication-Technologie kann der Bump Controller mit jeder Batterie kommunizieren, die mit einem Bump Tag ausgestattet ist – einem kleinen Aufkleber, der auf der Batterie angebracht ist.

Sobald ein Bump Tag für die Batterie programmiert ist, müssen Sie die Batterie nur noch gegen den Bump Controller „stoßen“, und dieser konfiguriert Ihr angeschlossenes PowerLab-Ladegerät automatisch auf Ihre bevorzugten Einstellungen für diese bestimmte Batterie.

Ein einfacher und intuitiver Farb-Touchscreen macht die Navigation zum Kinderspiel, während die integrierte Bluetooth-Unterstützung eine noch einfachere Steuerung in Zukunft von Android- und iOS-Geräten verspricht.

Jeder Bump Controller enthält sechs Bump Tags und zwei Servokabel zum Anschluss an ein Paar PowerLab-Ladegeräte oder die beiden Kanäle eines Dual PowerLab.


  • Eingangsspannungsbereich: 10–52 V Gleichstrom
  • Unterstützte Chemikalien: LiPo, LiHV, LiFe, Li-Ion, NiMH, NiCd, Pb
  • Stromaufnahme: 200 mA
  • Waagengenauigkeit: 6 mV
  • Drahtlose Kommunikation: Bluetooth 4.0/LE
  • Kabelgebundene PC-Kommunikation: Micro-USB
  • Ladegerätkommunikation: Vier serielle 3-Draht-Schnittstellenanschlüsse
  • LCD-Bildschirm: 2,8-Zoll-QVGA-TFT-LCD mit resistivem Touchscreen
  • PC-Konnektivität: USB-Anschluss
  • Gesamtgewicht: 138 g
  • Gesamtabmessungen (LxBxT): 135x79x30mm
  • 1 Jahr Garantie

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Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Hector R Santini

Good service and prompt delivery!

Question does it complatible with Icharger interface ?

I would like to know if this Bump controller can be used with an Icharger. Does it work with ?

ProgressiveRC Comment: The bump controller only works with Revolectrix PowerLab chargers.

A must addition to charger!

Wow this thing is amazing! It makes charging so easy and displays all the info you'll want to know. Plus its very easy to set up! With the App it's even better as you can control it via bluetooth from your phone or tablet! This product inspired me to build a charge case that I can hide the PSU's and chargers below a deck. I have only the bump controller and charge adapters above deck, I even mounted a tablet in the lid! The folks at ProgressiveRC are very friendly and knowledgeable, plus they have great prices!

Must buy for your powerlabs

adding this controller to your powerlab setups not only makes charging easier but gives you options with having a better user interface to control the charger. the presets could be a hassle but this bypasses those and give it more of a conventional charge interface. and with the bump tags makes it quicker to get up and charging.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Hector R Santini

Good service and prompt delivery!

Question does it complatible with Icharger interface ?

I would like to know if this Bump controller can be used with an Icharger. Does it work with ?

ProgressiveRC Comment: The bump controller only works with Revolectrix PowerLab chargers.

A must addition to charger!

Wow this thing is amazing! It makes charging so easy and displays all the info you'll want to know. Plus its very easy to set up! With the App it's even better as you can control it via bluetooth from your phone or tablet! This product inspired me to build a charge case that I can hide the PSU's and chargers below a deck. I have only the bump controller and charge adapters above deck, I even mounted a tablet in the lid! The folks at ProgressiveRC are very friendly and knowledgeable, plus they have great prices!

Must buy for your powerlabs

adding this controller to your powerlab setups not only makes charging easier but gives you options with having a better user interface to control the charger. the presets could be a hassle but this bypasses those and give it more of a conventional charge interface. and with the bump tags makes it quicker to get up and charging.

