iCharger X6
iCharger X6
iCharger X6
iCharger X6
iCharger X6
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iCharger X6

High powered full featured charger in a tiny package

Das Warten auf den ersten neuen iCharger seit Jahren lohnt sich! Lassen Sie sich nicht von seiner Größe täuschen – dieses kleine Ladegerät hat es in sich.

Das Ladegerät mit der höchsten Leistungsdichte auf dem Markt, das X6, ist ein 800-W-Ladegerät, das bei LiPos bis zu 6S eine volle Ladeleistung von 30 A erreichen kann. Mit einem Ausgleichsstrom von vollen 2A werden die Ladevorgänge schneller als je zuvor abgeschlossen. Das vollfarbige IPS-Display bietet eine Fülle von Informationen auf einen Blick und nutzt das Betriebssystem, das auf den größeren Duo iChargern perfektioniert wurde.

Der X6 kann mit bis zu 30 A laden und auch mit bis zu 30 A entladen! Während Ladegeräte ähnlicher Größe ihre Entladekapazitäten einschränken, bietet der X6 die markentypische iCharger-Unterstützung für regeneratives Entladen, sodass das Ladegerät bei Stromversorgung über eine geeignete Batteriebank eine volle Entladekapazität von 800 W bereitstellen kann.

Trotz seiner geringen Größe und seines niedrigen Preises handelt es sich immer noch um einen voll ausgestatteten iCharger mit Multi-Chemie-Unterstützung und allen Einstellungen, die Sie erwarten, einschließlich einer verbesserten Softwareschnittstelle zum Aufzeichnen von Batteriedaten und zum Aktualisieren der Firmware.

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Input Voltage 7-32V DC
Dimensions 83x65x37mm
Balance Accuracy 10mV
Current Drain (Balancing) 2A
Discharge Current Range 0.05-30A
Input Current 35A
Temperature Control (Intel.) Yes
LiPo/LiIo/LiFe 1-6S
Charge Power (Max) 800W
Discharge (Max) 30W
External Discharge (Max) 900W
Regenerative Discharge (Max) 800W
Cell Count (NiCd/NiMh) 1-20S
Pb Battery Cell Count 1-12S
PC Connectivity Micro USB
Warranty 1 year
Weight 168g
Charge Current Range 0.05-30A

Customer Reviews

Based on 32 reviews
Malkhaz Kobakhidze
Exellent quality

Exellent quality. Fasr thipping

Larry Moore
I Charger X 6

Excellent features in a small charger. Very powerful, accurate, fast, and does many functions. The only drawback is the tiny scroll wheel button on the side it is not the quality of the charger itself. IMO

Nicholas Radez
One of my favorites

Just an excellent charger. Incredibly fast balance charging, powerful and precise while fitting in the palm of your hand.

Ian Caldwell

Great work!!

John McMakin
Best charger yet for me.

I purchased the iCharger X6 to replace my iCharger 206B. What a dramatic improvement in performance, battery information and ease of use. After reading through the manual that was pertinent to my intended use I practiced how to set up and perform the various functions. After a little practice, I found it to be intuitive and easy to use. I like being able to review battery parameters in the charging window which are very accurate. I've heard some negative comments about the small size and operation of the control knob but for me, it was easy to adapt to. I agree a larger and more substantial knob/controller would be a definite improvement and would be appreciated.
Most of my charging is done on 5s and 6 packs and often parallel charge them which does not begin to push the capacity of the charger. Overall I'm very impressed with the quality, performance and relative ease of use of the charger. I would recommend it to anyone who wants a budget conscience state of the art charger.

Customer Reviews

Based on 32 reviews
Malkhaz Kobakhidze
Exellent quality

Exellent quality. Fasr thipping

Larry Moore
I Charger X 6

Excellent features in a small charger. Very powerful, accurate, fast, and does many functions. The only drawback is the tiny scroll wheel button on the side it is not the quality of the charger itself. IMO

Nicholas Radez
One of my favorites

Just an excellent charger. Incredibly fast balance charging, powerful and precise while fitting in the palm of your hand.

Ian Caldwell

Great work!!

John McMakin
Best charger yet for me.

I purchased the iCharger X6 to replace my iCharger 206B. What a dramatic improvement in performance, battery information and ease of use. After reading through the manual that was pertinent to my intended use I practiced how to set up and perform the various functions. After a little practice, I found it to be intuitive and easy to use. I like being able to review battery parameters in the charging window which are very accurate. I've heard some negative comments about the small size and operation of the control knob but for me, it was easy to adapt to. I agree a larger and more substantial knob/controller would be a definite improvement and would be appreciated.
Most of my charging is done on 5s and 6 packs and often parallel charge them which does not begin to push the capacity of the charger. Overall I'm very impressed with the quality, performance and relative ease of use of the charger. I would recommend it to anyone who wants a budget conscience state of the art charger.

